Tyrannus is an ancient Greek/Latin word for an absolute ruler. The tyrant referred to is that of the impostor syndrome, a condition that I have been carrying around for years. Basically, any kind of attention, compliment or positive thought that is given to me I process as a lie, a sop, something for which, in reality, I do not deserve to receive praise of any kind. The same happens with negative things: anything that can be thought of me is not even half of what I think of myself. The lyrics revolve around the dichotomy and coexistence of one part of me trying to rationalise my condition and analyse its elements, and on the other side the ‘Tyrant’, the rabid terrorist who continues to dominate. And, in the end, at least for the time being, it is easier for me to think of staying in this condition to better defend myself against all my frailties; so, as I point out in the last verse: go ahead and start babbling, tell me all about it, I will respond by simply telling you to double down.